September 16, 2003 | Category:

Real Markup For Real People

Time for another round of fighting with XHTML, accessibility and the like.

First, I now provide a custom id on the root (html) rather than on the body, for those browsers that I send the site to as real XHTML (Opera, Mozilla, etc). Other browsers still get it on the body.

Also, given the recent findings about screen readers, I’ve changed my skiplink CSS as appropriate. I wanted to use Tom Gilder’s skiplink method, but it refused to work with my site. I’ve gone for a more basic version, and will come back to the problem at a later date.

Finally, one thing I’ve yet to implement is marking up all instances of acronyms. Jacques is offering some excellent advice on that page that I intend to follow. But not yet, I’ve had enough of looking at code for one day.