There are 11 films in the January Film Fight…
A Real Pain
#FF25 A Real Pain is about a fraught interpersonal relationship with the weight of history behind it.
— Gary Fleming (@garyfleming) March 9, 2025
Eisenberg is good as both performer and director, Culkin puts in an excellent performance. The film weaves from funny to sombre to infuriating and back with deftness.
Very good
#FF25 Nosferatu is a moody, atmospheric take on the legend.
— Gary Fleming (@garyfleming) March 9, 2025
This is Eggers at his most divisive - as much about the atmosphere and tone as the plot, it pulls. Hoult puts in another fantastic performance. This won't be for everyone but it's well worth seeing.
The Order
#FF25 The Order is a solid crime-thriller about an FBI agent chasing white supremacists.
— Gary Fleming (@garyfleming) March 9, 2025
Law puts in a darker performance than normal, with an edge to his usual swagger. The pacing is a little uneven, but the threat and menance throughout carries the movie.
Very good.
Saturday Night
#FF25 Saturday Night is about the making of the infamous US TV show's first episode.
— Gary Fleming (@garyfleming) March 9, 2025
It tries to show the chaos of making it but doesn't do much to draw attention. Many of the issues we see aren't particularly interesting and most are repetitive.
It has moments but mostly dull
#FF25 Here is about the history of a house and its inhabitants through time.
— Gary Fleming (@garyfleming) March 9, 2025
At times the gimmick (one locked off camera) is interesting and downright clever, but the film is cheesey and stagey in the worst ways. It looks abysymal - plasticky, overlit, fake.
The Bank of Dave 2: The Loan Ranger
#FF25 The Bank of Dave 2: The Loan Ranger is another look at doing business differently.
— Gary Fleming (@garyfleming) March 9, 2025
It's earnest and small, which at times can be charming and at times a bit repetitive. It lacks some of the charm and warmth of the original.
Fine for a while.
Back In Action
#FF25 Back In Action is more action slop from Netflix.
— Gary Fleming (@garyfleming) March 9, 2025
So forgettable I had to look up what it was. The action is dull, the plot is nonsense, the leads seem bored. There's nothing to like here.
Wolf Man
#FF25 Wolf Man revisits the classic werewolf tropes.
— Gary Fleming (@garyfleming) March 9, 2025
Garner and Abbott are both solid as couple in a remote cabin. The film builds atmosphere and is somewhat fun, but stumbles in the back half of the movie - just a little bit slow, and too many of the same scares.
Star Trek: Section 31
#FF25 Star Trek: Section 31 squanders its cast and lore to turn in a boring Guardians of the Galaxy meets the Rick & Morty Heist episode - which sounds better than what we get.
— Gary Fleming (@garyfleming) March 9, 2025
An absolute mess of a plot, terrible additions to the canon, cheesey, boring, and cheap.
Flight Risk
#FF25 Flight Risk has a few moments of fun setup, but not much payoff.
— Gary Fleming (@garyfleming) March 9, 2025
The premise is reasonable but the leads are all way over the top - this is not a subtle film at any point. Doesn't have quite enough fuel to keep the plot going.
You’re Cordially Invited
#FF25 You're Cordially Invited manages to do poorly with a fine setup.
— Gary Fleming (@garyfleming) March 9, 2025
Everything in the movie seems setup to get to the next pre-canned sketch, rather than feeling like an organic extension of the situation. I remember laughing one time, and being pretty bored for the rest.
The January Winner
A big month but A Real Pain is the obvious winner for me.