Via Jacques Distler comes news of a plug-in for internet explorer that allows it to understand MathML: MathPlayer.
A great and useful tool it will be given that there will be no new versions of IE made available for free download (according to Microsoft). But it shouldn’t be up to a third party company to fix the deficiencies in the browser: Microsoft, if it is to show any commitment to the web, should have added this a long time ago.
Sadly, it won’t happen. If IE is going to change, it will be the hackers that change it. Or people could try changing browsers. Firefox is brand new, much faster than anything else on the market, will be constantly updated, and does everything you could possibly want from a browser. It has a large development community working on extensions to make it do even more.
Take back the web, as the new FF motto goes, get a browser that works well.
This says it all about MS: Microsoft House XP