Sometimes a movie doesn’t really try to be brilliant, an understated elegance moving the plot along as is needed. You get the feeling that Shattered Glass is supposed to be one such film; it’s not.
The plot revolves around a well-respected writer who gets caught making up stories to further his career. I’m sorry to say that that is the whole plot. You have now effectively seen the movie. There is the vaguest hint of other plot lines – a love interest, some friction – but only in the most fleeting possible way. It really seems like no-one really researched the story at all, or that the screenwriter was passionless about his subject. No real conflict emerges, no real connection is made, not much happens.
It reminds me a lot of The Blair Witch Project:
“Nothing’s happening. Nothing’s happening. Something about a map. Nothing’s happening. It’s over. A lot of people in the audience look pissed.”
The height of mediocrity.