April 27, 2004 | Category:

Dissecting A Car Crash, Part 2: The Main Event

There are three main components of any car crash, although they do not seem to occur in the order one might expect. The crash itself (part 2) happens first.

A crunching, visceral impact; invariably wrenching you forward, hopefully snapping against a seat belt. Debris gains momentum, clashing against anything in the way. The most innocuous of items causes severe damage to those nearby.

A black out. Dead time wasted. A slow realisation the impact is over and the bleeding begins.

An indeterminate paralysis and a cry for help; someone might find you soon, maybe you’ll be alone for a long time.

It’s too early to know if you’ve survived: blood pumps fast, dizziness and nauseousness cloud the senses, and feelings of dread conflict with delirium.

You’ll either make it to Part 3 or you won’t.