May 02, 2004 | Category:

Miscellaneous Minutae

Forewarning: if you don’t know me or my friends, this post is best avoided.

To prevent Matt from monopolising coverage of recent goings on, I thought I would point out a classic highlight from the party we were at: Derek Murray finally manages to staple something.

Now, Derek has many talents, but stapling is not one of them. I’ve seen him buckle staples in 4 directions at once. He finally managed though, and we’re all very proud of him.

Of course, there are many other pictures in that gallery, including the first pictures of me since I lost my long hair a few weeks ago.

That in turn made me look for a picture of myself with long hair (not a particularly new one). Realising the link in my FOAF file to it was broken, I said about scouring my hard disk to find the picture (encovering some other classic pictures – including some of my friend Andy passed out and us standing around him giving the thumbs up).

So, that led me to discover that my Public folder on this site had been almost completely wiped. As much of it is back as I can remember, but I’ve no idea if anything is missing. Sorry.

And that rounds up an odd post.