April 15, 2003 | Category:

Renne And Cutwire

From the tour diary of JetPlane Landing (no direct link due to the diary being opened in a new window – damn JavaScript):

I am learning more about cahir’s straight to video cop show. John Cutwire, a european immigrant and now LAPD detective, who doesn’t play by the rules. Renne, a french-canadian bloodhound, that saved Cutwire when he was climbing in the Alps visting the motherland. Noone knows where the motherland actually is. From that day forward they have been partners. Bob, is John Cutwires human partner. Nearly, every episode is about Bob either he’s getting kidnapped, framed, hurt or set-up. The stories are generally about revenge, or trying to prove Bob’s innoncence. Renne has an intense dislike for Bob (I haven’t worked out why yet). Its also important to note that although John Cutwire has a strong Noreweigan accent – his character demands that he be cast as an American, who then puts on the Norweigan accent.

Possibly the funniest idea for a TV show ever.