May 12, 2003 | Category:

Early May Round-Up

I came across Ryochiji’s interesting new blog-matching site called, surprisingly, BlogMatcher (via mrry). It indexes blogs that ping and finds similarity in links. You, the imaginary user, then come along and give it a blog to find matches for. It then provides you with a list of similar sites.

Most of my BlogMatched sites focus on XHTML and other similar issues; not surprisingly, considering how tired I am of writing that acronym – really need to automate that. There are a few entries on random stuff (Halle Berry, Dreamcatcher, etc) as well.

Also, I hate BlogShares. I started playing a month or two ago for 10-15 minutes a day; slowly amassing money. And then I bought into FSP 1.1. Shares bought at $15.63 have dropped to $0.81, scrubbing $800 from my pockets. DAMMIT! Oh well, I made a grand on another site overnight so karma balanced.

Recently, I’ve been reading about Uberman’s Sleep Schedule – a way of hot-wiring your brain into allowing 2 hours sleep a day. I don’t think I could make it work just now (where could I sleep at university every 4 hours?), but might experiment a bit during the summer.

There was more, but it’s gone for now.