June 17, 2003 | Category:

Domains And Collapse

Yesterday, I paid my annual bill for hosting (so the site won’t be disappearing for at least a year). But I also made a sem-major change.

I used to host a site called Frustrated Artist Commune. Other than actually providing hosting and incorporating Finetto for them, I had nothing to do with it. After months of inactivity and absolutely no interest in the site from its owners, I’ve removed it. It ate a fair whack of server space and was, in effect, dead.

The other thing I’ve been thinking about is the main domain at vkps.co.uk. For months now, it’s been inactive (other than the EWN namespace, which takes a fair number of hits to this day). This site was only supposed to be a temporary measure to keep updates going while I worked on the main site. In reality, I focussed any development time on Finetto, which was then incorporated into this site. So really, I’ve just been working on this site.

Over time, Solitude has evolved into pretty much what vkps was supposed to be: a constantly updated resource, with code, film and music reviews and other essays. So what to do with the main domain? I don’t really know. Do you?